  1. +

    + A brief consultation to discuss whether our company would be a good fit for your need We're regular people too, so we wouldn't want you to waste your time or money on something that we wouldn't feel 100% confident in. This is part of what separates us from the rest, we're out to solve problems - not pad our pockets for cookie-cutter service
  2. +

    + 0-5 hours + Sufficient level of difficulty Once we've had a chance to look into the situation and come up with a plan of attack, this option would cover the listed amount of time and level of difficulty in the project.
    Let's Talk...
  3. +

    + 5-10 hours + Significant level of difficulty A project that falls into this category is going to be more involved than your average WiFi troubleshooting. Maybe you want to set up a custom wired surround system in your house? Maybe you want me to hand build you a computer, the Platinum tier covers a wide range of things.
    Let's Talk...
  4. +

    + 10+ hours + High level of difficulty + Custom projects You might find yourself in this category if your project is highly unique or custom. Maybe you're worried about all your data sitting on someone else's cloud and want to make your own, maybe you want a robot bagel slicer, whatever it is, we can help you.
    Let's Talk...
Every situation is unique, so blanket prices are hard to set. Don't hesitate to reach out and see what we can do for you! 
Contact  us!